Trends Report

A PandemicEX Survey October Update: Spanish Employees Struggle With Pandemic Fatigue And Worries About Job Losses

Laura Koetzle
Luis Deya
 and  two contributors
Dec 02, 2020


Spain is in the throes of its second wave of COVID-19 cases. This third installment of Forrester’s PandemicEX Survey, fielded in October in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK, aims to further technology, marketing, and employee experience (EX) leaders’ insight into employees’ views of the pandemic and its effects. Here, we focus on the experience of Spanish employees. The latest survey data shows that 67% of respondents in Spain “experience fatigue and feel overwhelmed by the pandemic,” which is the highest percentage across the five countries where we collected data. Meanwhile, 56% say their employers have initiated COVID-19 testing to help keep employees safe. Concerns about the virus and its impact have increased since the spring. As of October, 57% of Spanish respondents consider the government’s response to the pandemic to have been insufficient. Nearly half do not want to return to the office without a vaccine, and 43% are concerned that their company will require them to go back prematurely. Executives face a new wave of worker demands to work from home and must support their employees with improved tools and access to resources to help them weather the impact of the second wave of infections in Spain. Schedule an inquiry with our experts on innovation, automation, and the future of work to get ready.

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