Trends Report

Your Community Upgrade: From Experiment To Strategic Approach

The Right Formula For Tech Marketers Using Online Communities

July 12th, 2012
Kim Celestre, null
Kim Celestre
Peter Burris, null
Peter Burris
With contributors:
Bradford J. Holmes , Peter O'Neill , Eric Hsieh


This report is designed to help you revisit your strategy for engaging with customers through online communities and discussion forums, and demonstrate why your success will be based on taking the right approach. The returns to tech marketers (and their product, sales, and service peers) can be significant — but so are the potential costs and risks of deploying the resources to build a community and measuring its results. Your successful effort to build a community will be unique, and it will feature common, customer-centered characteristics. The old adage that it takes two to build a relationship but only one to destroy it has never been truer than in the tech industry. This report outlines Forrester's formula for technology marketing executives responsible for setting up an online B2B community strategy and delivering value to their customers and their company.

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