B2B Summit

September 19 – 20, 2023  |  Singapore & Digital

Sameer Datta

CEO, OnDot Media

Sameer Datta is the CEO of OnDot Media, a leading global technology media company and publishers of www.EnterpriseTalk.com, www.TalkCMO.com, www.ITSecurityWire.com, www.TalkFintech.com, www.TalkDev.com and www.TalkMartech.com. Sameer has spearheaded OnDot Media since its inception and has led the brand to become one of the largest B2B demand generation brand globally, delivering over 15M leads and working with over 500 Technology brands. Over the last decade Sameer has helped the world’s largest technology companies engage with targeted audiences worldwide by creating and running ROI focused marketing programs leveraging Account Based Marketing and Intent Based Marketing strategies.