Trends Report

How European Employees Feel About COVID-19: A PandemicEX Survey

April 3rd, 2020
Luis Deya, null
Luis Deya


More than four in 10 employees across Europe think that their governments are reacting too softly to the COVID-19 crisis, which adds weight to their fears of losing their job. Fear of the further spread of the coronavirus and its economic impact on firms is more pronounced in Southern Europe; UK and Spanish business leaders are instilling more confidence in their workforces than their French and Italian counterparts. More than 50% of European employees prefer to work from home during the coronavirus crisis, but a similar percentage are longing to go back to the office once the crisis is over. European workers are adapting quickly to an enforced work-from-home culture, with many preferring the flexibility it offers. Skype is the collaboration tool of choice, but Microsoft Teams and Zoom are growing rapidly in popularity across Europe.

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