Trends Report

Streamline Localization With Language Service Provider Offerings

Market Overview: Language Service Providers 2013

February 13th, 2014
Mark Grannan, null
Mark Grannan
Peter Sheldon, null
Peter Sheldon
With contributors:
Stephen Powers , Zia Daniell Wigder , Steven Kesler


This report, originally written for eBusiness professionals, is relevant to application development and delivery (AD&D) teams charged with website globalization and localization. AD&D teams need to ensure that translation and localization are streamlined at the technology layer to save the business time and money as it expands geographically. However, this streamlining effort extends beyond simple translation enablement; marketing and eBusiness teams create a tiering or localization strategy to connect the global content strategy to the appropriately localized site. AD&D professionals need to understand the scope of technology offerings for language services to build a flexible architecture that can accommodate different translation and localization workflows that will scale according to the localization strategy.

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