Best Practice Report

2011 US Bank Secure Website Rankings

Marked Improvements Across All Firms, With Wells Fargo Leading

November 11th, 2011
With contributors:
Brad Strothkamp , Myriam Da Costa


Forrester conducted our annual evaluation of the secure online banking websites of the six largest US banks — Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, PNC Bank, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo — using our Website User Experience and Functionality Benchmark (WSB) methodology. Wells Fargo and Bank of America once again took the top two spots — with Wells Fargo squeezing past Bank of America for the lead. Overall, our evaluation reveals that US banks have improved secure websites to align with customers' evolving needs and expectations. But customers' expectations will continue to evolve in the near and long term, and this will require continued improvement. Firms will need to enhance their personal financial management (PFM), account alert, and mobile banking offerings, and they must better integrate online sales and secure websites.

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