Forecast Report

2020 Online Retail Forecast, North America (COVID-19 Update)

ForecastView COVID-19 Retail Scenario Planner, July 2020, Models The Five-Year Impact Of COVID-19 On The US And Canada

Viraj D'Costa
Sanjeev Kumar
 and  two contributors
Sep 15, 2020


Forrester has updated its global retail forecasts to model the possible impact of COVID-19. North American retail sales will contract by 2.5% in 2020; e-commerce sales will grow faster than in 2019. This ForecastView report shows the impact of three scenarios for the US and Canada and provides a five-year forecast of how COVID-19 might affect both online and offline retail sales for computer hardware and accessories, consumer electronics, health and beauty, media (books, music, and videos), apparel and accessories, appliances, grocery, and homeware and furniture. Please note that we created this model and report based on the information available on July 16, 2020 about the economic impact of COVID-19 for the region covered. We will revisit this model when further adjustments are necessary.

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