Best Practice Report

A Guide To Getting Started On Your Web Content Management Project

Before Investigating Vendors, Use A Checklist To Plan And Evaluate Your Needs

April 23rd, 2008
With contributors:
Kyle McNabb , Diana Levitt


With Web content management (WCM) implementations becoming more complex, information and knowledge management (I&KM) professionals need to get a handle on multiple WCM issues and answer important questions before evaluating technology vendors. While I&KM pros may be tempted to immediately dive into the technical details of WCM, neglecting upfront tasks can lead to projects becoming bogged down in later stages due to unanticipated issues. Organizations should employ a two-step process when starting WCM projects: First document current and future business goals and organizational issues, and then answer questions about the functionality needed to support these business goals and issues. Completing these tasks at the outset of the project will help smooth the vendor selection process and provide guidance for keeping the implementation on track.

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