Trends Report

Benchmark 2007: Television

Most Households Get Their TV Digitally

September 21st, 2007
With contributors:
Heidi Shey , April Lawson , Ellen Daley


Television is a universal medium. Nearly everybody watches it, regardless of income and experience with technology. However, television is getting increasingly high-tech, allowing Early Adopters to reveal their penchant for technology leadership. Technology marketers can reach this Early Adopter crowd by recognizing that a dramatic 35% of them already have digital cable — leaving analog cable and satellite in the dust. And although digital television technologies like digital video recorders (DVRs) and high-definition TVs (HDTVs) are swiftly rising among all groups, a significant 30% of Early Adopters already have a DVR, and another 5% are ready to buy before the end of the year.

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