Trends Report

Brief: Take The Digital Business Readiness Assessment

March 14th, 2016
With contributors:
Martin Gill , Alex Causey


Many executives understand that their firm needs to transform. Digital disruption is rewriting the rules in almost every industry, and as digital entrants like Amazon, Netflix, and Uber reinvent what it means to be competitive, some traditional firms are firmly on their own paths to digital mastery. However, most aren't. The Digital Business Readiness Assessment, an Excel-based tool that is available to download within the online version of this report, provides a framework for analyzing your firm's digital savviness. It assesses both digital customer experience (DCX) and digital operational excellence (DOX). Forrester worked with the CIOs and eBusiness leaders of 61 North American and European firms to benchmark their current digital plans. This document outlines the results. This is an update of a previously published report; Forrester reviews and updates it periodically for continued relevance and accuracy.

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