Trends Report

Brief: The BT Agenda Demands New Information Architecture Principles

Found Your Digital Insights Architecture On These New Principles

May 27th, 2015
Nasry Angel, null
Nasry Angel
With contributor:
Gene Leganza


Ubiquitous digitization brings a host of new data sources and data types, such as data from mobile devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data, and newly digitized business processes. Empowered customers demand more information than ever before, and your firm needs insights — delivered on a regular basis — to meet their needs. Enterprise architects face a daunting challenge amidst this change: how to build a technology management organization that is a business technology advisor and enabler rather than a utility service provider. Enterprise architects need an architecture vision that unifies data from databases, server logs, device streams, and electronic records into the information your customers demand and the insight your employees need. Traditional architecture principles are outdated; they fall short in supporting your decision-making as you move into the digital world. This report provides new principles you should use to found modern information architecture.

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