Case Study

Case Study: Sapient Drives Sales Through Analyst Relations

April 5th, 2011
With contributors:
Robert Muhlhausen , Eric Brown , Eric Lobel , Allison Hellberg , Reedwan Iqbal


Sapient's industry analyst relations (AR) team is producing direct sales benefits by generating leads from analysts and their publications and by getting involved in sales cycles in person, influencing approximately $25 million of annual sales wins in the process. AR involves analysts directly in deals, too. As a services business, Sapient wants to demonstrate to prospects that it will deploy the finest expertise available as part of its bid as well as during the subsequent project. To accomplish this, Sapient makes it clear to prospects that it is deploying analysts in the presales processes, even making analysts available to the prospects for personal guidance. In doing so, Sapient builds prospect confidence that the subsequent project team will be of similar high caliber.

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