Trends Report

Conversations With Chief Customer Officers: KeyBank's Trina Evans

June 3rd, 2011
Paul Hagen, null
Paul Hagen
With contributors:
Harley Manning , Allison Stone


Trina Evans was appointed as KeyBank's executive vice president (EVP) and director of client experience in April 2010. Forrester interviewed Trina as part of an ongoing series to understand the role of a new type of executive who manages customer experience at the enterprise level, a position most often called the "chief customer officer." At the time of our interview, Trina oversaw a centralized customer experience team whose role is to champion the client across the enterprise and across channels. As part of KeyBank's executive council, Trina was a peer of regional presidents and other business-line heads, which let her shape activities, influence priorities, and weave customer imperatives into strategic and operational plans. Subsequent to this interview, KeyBank promoted Trina to corporate center executive, a direct report to the CEO.

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