Trends Report

Economic Insights For Process And Apps Pros

Plan For Inevitable Project Reprioritizations

February 12th, 2009
Elisse Gaynor
With contributor:
Meghan Donnelly


Given the gloomy economic climate, businesses large and small have difficult decisions ahead on the path to fiscal responsibility and stability. IT shops will be tempted and coerced to cut back in order to mitigate the effects of this downturn. However, firms that keep key process and apps trends in mind for 2009, cutting back both strategically and cautiously, will be in a better position as they emerge on the other end of current economic conditions. As a business process and applications (BP&A) professional, more than ever your responsibility is to champion core enabling technologies and processes as well as to safeguard road maps to the initiatives that will shepherd your organization to unprecedented customer relationships, talent management, and financial planning and compliance in 2009 and beyond.

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