Trends Report

How To Keep Casual Video Piracy At Bay In 2009

December 2nd, 2008
With contributors:
Abe Garon , Remy Fiorentino , Michelle de Lussanet , Dan Wilkos


Video piracy has, so far, been inconvenient enough that most consumers have not given it considerable attention — for example, only 10% of US online adults say they have downloaded video files through file-sharing applications. We examined today's consumer behavior and found a risk that piracy will rise in 2009, largely through the relatively new threat of illegal video streaming on sites like rather than the now old-fashioned problem of peer-to-peer file sharing. To keep casual video piracy at bay next year and beyond, we recommend that product and service strategists accelerate convenient access to content through non-PC devices like Net-connected TVs and portable devices.

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