Trends Report

How To Turn The USA EMV Retail Deadline Into Customer Advantage

September 25th, 2014
With contributors:
Holger Kisker, Ph.D. , Victoria Boutan


In October 2015, responsibility for credit cardholder present fraud will shift from the issuer to retailers that have failed to implement chip and pin protection. Retailers with 75% of more of their point-of-sale (POS) estate protected by chip and pin can reduce their annual recertification effort and cost. Application development and delivery (AD&D) professionals in retail companies must implement and conduct extensive testing to integrate the Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) executable — the application authenticating the PIN to the chip on cards issued for EMV brands — into their point-of-sale applications. Some retailers undoubtedly see EMV as simply a legal or compliance issue, but smart retailers will take a bigger picture view and use the opportunity for customer-centric innovations.

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