Trends Report

Marketing The Socially Responsible PC

Dell And Microsoft Bolster Their Consumer Product Brands With (RED)

February 21st, 2008
With contributors:
Michelle de Lussanet , Remy Fiorentino , Ashara Giordanelli


Dell is offering PCs, with Microsoft's Windows Vista software, cobranded with the (RED) campaign, a philanthropic effort to combat HIV/AIDS in Africa. This type of social responsibility marketing appeals to a brand-loyal group of US consumers. Women, Gen X consumers, and seniors are particularly receptive to social responsibility marketing. (RED) campaign PCs resonate deeply in the Age of Style for PCs, as they empower deep self-expression for socially aware consumer segments by employing both visual styling and a message of values. Dell and Microsoft products, and their consumer product brands, will benefit greatly from their participation in the (RED) campaign.

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