Trends Report

Mobile World Congress 2011: Going Beyond Mobile

Internet Innovation Is Incubating In The Mobile Crucible

March 15th, 2011
Ian Fogg
With contributors:
Mark Mulligan , Annie E. Corbett


The future of the Internet is now being shaped on new mobile networks and ever smarter mobile devices: smartphones and tablets. The 2011 edition of Mobile World Congress (MWC) showcased the future of all digital products, not just mobile. It showed that new partners and greater device support have resulted in Near Field Communications (NFC) gaining ground. Mobile operators announced ecosystem strategies that extend onto the Internet. Mobile devices have become even smarter and are set to greatly narrow the gap in performance with the PC in the coming year as quad-core tablets boasting game console-quality graphics supersede dual-core tablets and smartphones. Tablets, particularly Android-branded devices, were everywhere, as smartphone makers applied their expertise to these similarly miniaturized, highly mobile devices. Digital product creators demonstrated augmented reality apps, 3D video games, digital magazines, and numerous other apps and services that leverage the capabilities of these smarter devices.

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