Trends Report

Prioritizing Online Access To In-Store Inventory

Retailers Stand To Gain From Online Visibility Into In-Store Inventory And Buy Online/Pick Up In-Store Capabilities

July 22nd, 2014
With contributors:
Zia Daniell Wigder , Peter Sheldon , Adam Silverman , Rebecca Katz


Multichannel retailers have made unprecedented investments in enabling omnichannel services. Giving customers the ability to view, reserve, and buy in-store inventory through the online channel for pickup is at the core of these capabilities and quickly being embraced by customers who want the best of both worlds — online shopping and physical store engagement — in a single transaction. As these programs have matured and gained traction with consumers, expected and unanticipated benefits for retailers and customers alike are validating the wisdom of those investments. This report provides eBusiness leaders with the insights and information to support a business case for offering online visibility into in-store inventory and buy online/pick up in-store capabilities, as well as challenges that must be overcome to deliver these programs successfully.

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