Trends Report

Rethink Marketing In The Customer's Context

How B2B Marketers Need To Recast Their Approach

May 27th, 2014
With contributors:
Alexandra Hayes , David M. Cooperstein


Business-to-business (B2B) marketers must face a new reality: Customers seek a range of inputs as they embark on solving business needs. Some executives prefer vendors that can create and deliver on a vision, and they want to educate themselves through professional and peer-created content that is available online. Other buyers are comfortable doing research on their own before contacting sales. Customers' control over their decision-making forces B2B marketers to put the customer life cycle at the center of their marketing efforts, capturing customers before and after they seek out help for an issue they face. This report is an update to "Rethink Marketing In The Buyer's Context," originally published on February 21, 2103, which defined the framework for understanding the relevance of the customer journey to your business and provided a road map for navigating the full customer life cycle, before, during, and after the sale.

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