Trends Report

Stop Improving Your Marketing Processes: Start Disrupting

Advanced Level: Process Practices For The Marketing Innovation Playbook

June 20th, 2019
Lori Wizdo, null
Lori Wizdo
With contributors:
Melissa Parrish , Ryan Skinner , Chahiti Asarpota , Christine Turley


Changing markets, shifting competitive conditions, and rapidly evolving customer demands inevitably create a point at which continually improving your existing customer engagement processes fails to deliver better outcomes. That's the time for process disruption. Advanced practitioners go beyond "doing things right" to "doing the right thing" — and that requires relentless examination of the business side of marketing. CMOs should read this report to challenge their thinking about process innovation. This is an update of a previously published report; Forrester reviews and updates it periodically for continued relevance and accuracy.

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