Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Multichannel Contact Center Outsourcers, Q4 2005.

Evaluation Of Top Multichannel Contact Center Outsourcers Across 47 Criteria

December 12th, 2005
Elizabeth Herrell
With contributors:
Brownlee Thomas, Ph.D. , John Ragsdale , Benjamin Gray


Most enterprise customers no longer expect one-dimensional support from contact center outsourcers and want to extend these services across multiple channels, including the Web and other self-help services. Companies that outsource their contact centers are also finding that automated services for basic interactions offer financially beneficial alternatives to fully assisted telephone-based support. This shift in customer behavior necessitates that contact center outsourcers develop self-service channels in addition to assisted telephone-based support solutions. To assess how well outsourcers are supporting self-service initiatives, as well as agent voice services, and to view how some of the largest providers stack up against each other, Forrester evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of 10 tier one contact center outsourcers across 47 criteria. Convergys emerged as the overall market leader, scoring top points for proactively offering comprehensive multichannel outsourcing solutions, while also demonstrating strong financial momentum and technical support for its customer base. This report includes an interactive vendor comparison tool that provides detailed product evaluations and customizable rankings of the service providers that we evaluated.

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