Trends Tool

The Impact Of Emerging Technology In 2030 On mCommerce Experiences In Healthcare

December 4th, 2019
Jeff Becker, null
Jeff Becker
Julie Ask, null
Julie Ask
With contributors:
Fiona Swerdlow , Brandon Purcell , Ian Jacobs , Joe Stanhope , Nicole Murgia , Daniel Hong , Fatemeh Khatibloo , Jeffrey Hammond , Kjell Carlsson, PhD , Michael Facemire


Mobile devices will enable on-demand, affordable healthcare with capabilities like video conferencing, text-based services, and remote monitoring. Emerging technologies will improve healthcare experiences and enable them with better, more extensive data — with the patient’s permission, of course. The accompanying PDF provides a closer look at the impact that emerging technologies will have on the healthcare industry in the next decade. This report is part of a series on mCommerce in 2030 across multiple industries.

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