Trends Report

What Drives Retention And Sales In US Banking?

Using Regression Modeling To Better Understand The Drivers Of Acquisition, Retention, And Cross-Selling In Banking

October 18th, 2012
Gina Fleming, null
Gina Fleming
With contributors:
Reineke Reitsma , Ryan Morrill


In 2012, the age of the customer is in full swing. Gone are the days when companies could simply offer their services and customers could choose to take them or leave them — today, companies need to be customer-obsessed. An important step in being customer-obsessed is developing an understanding of current and potential customers' needs — and, in doing so, uncovering what drives business. In this report, we use regression analysis to examine the drivers of acquisition, retention, and cross-selling in the US retail banking industry to answer the question: "What really matters for US banking customers?"

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