Over the past 10 years, the forces that have placed us in the age of the customer have stimulated a rise in novel behavior among consumers. The next 10 years will put the past 10 to shame, ushering in a new stage in consumers' behavior that we are calling hyperadoption. Thanks to hyperadoption, your customers will eagerly adopt new behaviors that you previously would have had difficulty imagining. As the CMO — the holder of the keys to the customer — you will be unable to keep up if you fail to understand what makes these new experiences not only possible but also inevitable. Forrester explains how the digital disruption of consumers' cognition forever alters the relationships that consumers have with brands. Read this report to understand how you can successfully participate in the next big thing that consumers do by building the right connection with the right customers at crucial moments in the hyperadoption cycle: attention, intention, and action.
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