Best Practice Report

ABM Infrastructure Framework Deep Dive: Business Requirements

June 11th, 2018
Alisa Groocock, null
Alisa Groocock
With contributors:
Karen Traikovich , Peter Harrison


A solid account-based marketing (ABM) infrastructure of technology and insights plays a critical role in the planning, delivery and measurement of an effective ABM program. Selecting and budgeting for the right infrastructure begins with articulating the capabilities required throughout the ABM journey. Forrester’s priorities-based architecture provides useful context for a high-level understanding of technology and insight requirements.

Account-based marketing (ABM) leaders should resist the impulse to buy the latest technologies in the market and instead approach ABM infrastructure decisions with caution and methodical analysis. This ensures the establishment of the right infrastructure of data and technology to support a successful ABM deployment and the provision of adequate budget for ABM infrastructure investments. In this report, we describe how ABM leaders should gather business requirements as they start the process of planning and building a robust ABM infrastructure (see Introducing The Forrester Account-Based Marketing Infrastructure Framework) (see Figure 1).

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