Best Practice Report

Aligning Account-Based Marketing Measurement To The B2B Revenue Waterfall

Tracking The Progress Of Multiple Opportunities And Buying Groups Within High-Potential Accounts

August 19th, 2021
Malachi Threadgill, null
Malachi Threadgill


Account-based marketing (ABM) is a strategic marketing discipline that allows organizations to take a prescriptive approach to targeting the highest-potential accounts in a way that increases relevance and specificity. The Forrester B2B Revenue Waterfall — unlike earlier versions of the Demand Waterfall, which began at the point an inquiry was generated — recognizes the need for B2B marketing and sales teams to define a specific list of targeted accounts that fit the profile of a likely buyer before active marketing begins. This shift from lead-centric demand management based on individual inquiries to account, opportunity, and buying group insights is an ideal fit for ABM. In this report, we discuss the relationship between ABM measurement and the B2B Revenue Waterfall, the importance of opportunity measurement within ABM, and the dynamic nature of ABM prioritization and targeting.

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