To effectively connect with buyers, B2B organizations are prioritizing a shift from product-centricity to an audience-based go-to-market architecture. For an audience-based go-to-market approach to have staying power, measurement must demonstrate that progress is being made with key audiences. B2B organizations often lack the capability to clearly identify audiences in performance data and evaluate achievement — but it can be developed.
Among the top drivers of change for B2B CMOs is the need to shift from product-centric marketing to marketing that is audience-centric (see The Forrester Go-To-Market Architecture Balances Revenue Obsession With Customer Obsession). However, many B2B organizations have operations that reinforce the product-centric approaches they’re working to leave behind. There is no area is which this problem is more acute than measurement. In this report, we identify the essential data elements needed to support the measurement of an audience-based go-to-market approach.
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