Forecast Report

Forrester Research World Business Intelligence And Analytics Software Forecast, 2015 To 2020 (Global)

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December 29th, 2015


Business intelligence (BI) and analytics software extracts important information from raw data to reveal insights and help businesses make faster and more accurate decisions. We expect the BI and analytics software market to grow at a 12% CAGR over the 2015 to 2020 period. This forecast breaks out global growth by region (US, Europe, and the rest of the world) and by 20 industry segments (chemicals; construction and engineering; consumer products; education and social services; financial services; government; healthcare; high-tech products; industrial products; insurance; media, entertainment, and leisure; oil and gas; pharma and medical equipment; primary production; professional services; retail; telecommunications; transportation; utilities; and wholesale). We examine growth in four software subsets: 1) business intelligence: reporting, querying, data visualization, dashboards, OLAP and basic analytics (slice/dice), data exploration, and performance management (scorecards); 2) predictive analytics: software solutions that use data to find models that can anticipate outcomes with a significant probability of accuracy; 3) streaming analytics: software that can filter a high throughput of data from multiple live, real-time sources to identify patterns, detect urgent situations, and automate immediate actions; 4) other analytics: nascent analytics technologies, such as text and special analytics.

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