How To Report

How To Effectively Pilot A Demand Initiative

Evaluate Demand Initiatives Before Investing Significant Time, Money, And Opportunity Costs

March 15th, 2022
Carrie Rediker, null
Carrie Rediker
With contributors:
Lisa Nakano , Alaina Ladd , Arianne Burnette


A pilot program tests a proposed change in a relatively small, controlled environment before introducing that change more broadly. A pilot allows an organization to prove or disprove a hypothesis or understand what needs to be changed before a full-scale implementation. Applying lessons from a pilot program increases an organization’s chances of success when a new process or technology is implemented or when resources are added on a larger scale. However, pilots waste time and divert critical resources if they are poorly planned or applied to business problems that are too small to justify them. In this report, we outline a process for effectively piloting proposed demand initiatives.

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