Trends Report

How US Online Consumers Research And Buy Mortgages

Homebuyers And Refinancers Have Complex Purchase Journeys

February 23rd, 2015
With contributors:
Benjamin Ensor , Rachel Roizen , Colin Campbell , Adam Moitoso , Audrey Blumstein


The mortgage purchase journey is complex, with customers using a mix of digital and human touchpoints to research and then buy mortgages. The journey differs depending on whether the customer is buying a home or refinancing an existing loan. Homebuyers are more likely to research and find the mortgages they purchase in-person. Refinancers more commonly do their research over the phone, and are most likely to find their mortgages through a lender's website. But guidance and advice are important to all mortgage buyers as it is such a complex financial decision. To improve mortgage sales, eBusiness and channel strategy teams need to deepen their understanding of mortgage buyers and combine human and digital touchpoints to support prospects throughout the purchase journey.

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