Trends Report

Technology Accelerates Hyperlocal Business

Hyperlocal Gets You Closer To Customers Than Ever Before

September 27th, 2021


Two convergent forces have multiplied over the last decade. Operating on a global scale has become more complex as regulatory requirements have multiplied, and geopolitical risk and systemic risk events have increased. At the same time, customers have increased expectations for seamless digital and physical experiences that delight. Organizations that can deliver an enhanced customer experience “in the moment” while navigating an increasingly complex global environments will be the ones that can differentiate in the marketplace. And to do this, they will need to build hyperlocal capabilities through technology. Read this report to understand the key forces driving these changes and the emerging technologies that CIOs can leverage to enable hyperlocal capabilities.

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Forrester helps business and technology leaders use customer obsession to accelerate growth. That means empowering you to put the customer at the center of everything you do: your leadership strategy, and operations. Becoming a customer-obsessed organization requires change — it requires being bold. We give business and technology leaders the confidence to put bold into action, shaping and guiding how to navigate today's unprecedented change in order to succeed.