Data Overview Report

Understand The Needs Of Existing Buyers In An Expansion Scenario

Leverage Forrester Buyer Insights For Successful Expansion Sales

August 24th, 2023
With contributors:
Amy Hayes , Amy Bills , Laura Ramos , Kaitlyn Coalson , Drew Zalucky

Go-to-market planning starts with the identification and prioritization of targeted buyer segments. For many B2B organizations, existing customers are a dominant part of revenue and growth plans. Forrester data reveals that existing customers making additional purchases (i.e., not first-time or renewal purchases) have needs and preferences that are noticeably different than those of first-time buyers. Therefore, existing customer buying scenarios also require different go-to-market approaches. To deliver a personalized buying experience, portfolio marketers should understand the nuances among buyers with varying levels of knowledge and comfort with the organization and its offerings.

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