B2B Summit
North America

June 5 – 7, 2023  |  Austin & Digital

Barbara Winters

Principal Analyst, Forrester

Barbara has almost 30 years of technology marketing experience and a successful track record of growing brand value and revenue through integrated marketing programs. As a member of the SiriusDecisions Portfolio Marketing Research Service, Barbara delivers research and advice to help portfolio marketers and managers succeed.

Prior to joining SiriusDecisions, Barbara held various executive and management roles at both software and hardware companies. She spent 15 years of her career at Intel in a variety of marketing roles, from campaigns to market research to branding and messaging. At Intel, she led initiatives to create a comprehensive messaging discipline and dedicated messaging team, reframe marketing’s role in the launch process, and managed an enterprise-wide project to update Intel’s persona-based customer segmentation. Most recently she was VP of marketing at HG Data, a Series B data company delivering competitive intelligence for the B2B technology marketers.

Barbara is a graduate of California State University at Northridge with a BS in Marketing and lives and works in Southern California.