Predictions Report

Predictions 2023: Retail

October 26th, 2022
With contributors:
Sucharita Kodali , Emily Pfeiffer , Lily Varon , Melissa Parrish , Taylor Hansen , Michael Belden


In 2023, retailers and brand manufacturers will balance growth strategies with tactics to manage to uncertain economic and (post-)pandemic conditions as well as ever-rising consumer expectations. Retailers will choose between doubling down on or outright outsourcing supply chain capabilities. They’ll turn (or even return) to automation to both shore up staffing and raise competencies in-store and at headquarters. And they’ll find that paid membership programs and retail media success depend on yet more investment, not dabbling. The reckoning for online-only brands: Develop physical presence of some kind — or falter. This report outlines how these predictions will impact the retail industry in 2023.

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