How To Report

How To Select The Right CX Beacon Metric

Be Thoughtful When Selecting Your North Star To Guide Your Organization To Improved CX

August 2nd, 2021
With contributors:
Brian Mukasa , Harley Manning , Clarissa Skinner , Shayna Neuburg


A CX beacon metric is an organization’s top CX metric. It measures the overall success of CX efforts, rallies employees behind CX improvements, and provides an anchor for a CX measurement architecture. CX professionals shouldn’t default to commonly used beacon metrics like Net Promoter Score℠ (NPS) and customer satisfaction. Instead, they should consider common standardized or generic metrics and proprietary or custom indices. This report provides CX pros with a 10-criterion tool to assess each potential beacon metric for alignment with company goals, contribution to improving CX, acceptance from customers, appeal to stakeholders, practicability, and ease of benchmarking.

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