Best Practice Report

Advance GenAI Marketing From Pilot Projects To Proficiency

Use Forrester’s GenAI Marketing Adoption Framework To Accelerate Impact

February 22nd, 2024
With contributors:


The generative AI (genAI) honeymoon is over. As the initial awe surrounding genAI fades, marketers must now navigate a more pragmatic phase of adopting and integrating genAI capabilities into their workflows. But a hyperfocus on cost efficiencies, low AI literacy and data maturity, a sluggish regulatory environment, employee fears of job disruption, and the pace of change stand in the way of success. Marketers who focus on how genAI can drive efficiency, effectiveness, and impact will prevail in turning genAI into an advantage. Marketing leaders, practitioners, and agency providers can use Forrester’s GenAI Marketing Adoption Framework to move from pilot projects to adopting genAI at scale.

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