Organizations worldwide cite improving business continuity and disaster recovery as a top IT priority year after year. It remains a top priority because the ability to stay online 24x7 is seen as a competitive advantage in a global world. Reducing the cost of downtime is crucial in a tight economy. There is a recognized fiduciary responsibility to stakeholders, there are regulatory and industry requirements that mandate preparedness, and there is a sense of increased risk from natural and manmade events.
But many organizations have still not formalized ongoing business continuity management (BCM) programs. Business continuity efforts corporatewide are often unmanaged, uncoordinated, and sometimes non-existent. And too often, business continuity efforts still take on too much of an IT only focus, they are really disaster recovery efforts not true business continuity.
For organizations that need to establish an on-going BCM program or improve their current BCM program, there are number of industry standards that provide a framework for the key elements of an effective program.
- Why you need to formalize BCM Today
- What standards are available? Which ones really matter?
- How have other organizations used standards to improve BCM? What was the effort, and what was the payoff?
- What are the key recommendations for improving BCM?
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