CX Summit

CX, B2C Marketing, & Digital Business Leaders

May 28, 2024  |  Sydney & Digital


Tuesday May 28

9:00 am – 10:00 am AEST

General Breakfast

10:00 am – 10:15 am AEST

Opening Remarks

Riccardo Pasto, Principal Analyst, Forrester

10:15 am – 10:45 am AEST

One Strategy To Rule Them All

Having separate CX, marketing, and digital strategies checks administrative boxes but doesn’t provide the unity necessary for success in the fast-approaching world of boundless, AI-powered commerce. To reach that height, you’ll need one strategy that orchestrates and directs activities to support customer-obsessed growth. In this session, you’ll learn: 

  • The latest data about how CX, marketing, and digital teams approach strategy. 
  • Why it’s important to unify these strategies. 
  • How to start unifying these strategies so that your company can thrive in a world of boundless experiences. 

Judy Weader, Principal Analyst, Forrester

10:45 am – 11:15 am AEST

Guest Keynote: Empowering Citizens: Service Australia's Customer-Centric Evolution

Join Jarrod Howard, Deputy CEO of Customer Service Delivery Group at Services Australia, as he shares insights into Service Australia’s journey towards becoming customer-focused amidst the evolving landscape of government services during crises since 2020. Discover the challenges faced and successes achieved in delivering trusted services and undertaking a customer-centric transformation.

Jarrod Howard, Deputy CEO, Customer Service Delivery Group, Services Australia

11:15 am – 11:45 am AEST

Coffee Break & Networking

Expertly curated by our analysts, these 30-min roundtables foster vibrant discussions among peers on trending topics. Held during breaks, they offer a prime opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing. Keep an eye on the attendee communications to secure your spot.

Analyst-Led Roundtable (Registration Required) | How To Earn And Retain Customer Trust

This roundtable session is dedicated to the topic of customer trust and how it affects critical outcomes such as revenue growth and customer loyalty. Based on Forrester’s ‘bold vision’ research “The Trust Imperative” and one of a kind “Customer Trust Index” rating methodology, Forrester analyst and co-author of the methodology Tom Mouhsian will share his insights and experience about how customer trust is measured and successfully applied by the government regulator and the nationwide FSI sector in Singapore. Topics covered will include:

  • Customer trust measurement approach.
  • Drivers and outcomes of trust.
  • How to integrate trust in your organization’s customer strategy.

Tom Mouhsian, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Analyst-Led Roundtable (Registration Required) | Raise Your VoC And CX Measurement Maturity

During this session, you will learn how to take your customer experience (CX) measurement to the next level? This session will discuss:

  • How to increase the maturity of your CX measurement and voice-of-the-customer (VoC) programs.
  • Proving the value of your programs.
  • Overcoming the insights-to-action hurdle.

Riccardo Pasto, Principal Analyst, Forrester

11:45 am – 12:15 pm AEST

Medallia: Turning Voices into Vision - Creating a Voice of Customer program oriented towards growth

A case study on News Corp Australia’s journey to rebuild the foundation of their Voice of Customer program with a laser focus to drive growth and deepen engagement with new and existing audiences. This case study provides a candid view of the challenges they’ve had to overcome in building maturity and creating strategic value from their Voice of Customer program.

Sabrina Chan, Head of Audience Intelligence, News Corp Australia

12:15 pm – 12:45 pm AEST

Forge Boundless Experiences With Humans + AI

Leaders are rapidly infusing customer experiences, marketing efforts, and digital properties with AI. But winning companies will infuse them with humans + AI, harnessing the power of employees, partners, and customers themselves to create boundless experiences. We’ll discuss:

  • Why boundless experiences are replacing traditional customer lifecycles.
  • How humans + AI can deliver boundless experiences.
  • How to prepare your employees with the right skills to thrive as humans + AI.

Sam Higgins, Principal Analyst, Forrester

12:45 pm – 1:45 pm AEST

Networking Lunch

Expertly curated by our analysts, these 30-min roundtables foster vibrant discussions among peers on trending topics. Held during breaks, they offer a prime opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing. Keep an eye on the attendee communications to secure your spot.

Analyst-Led Roundtable (Registration Required) | Designing The Next Generation Digital Customer Service Experiences

Emerging technology will fundamentally alter future customer service experiences, and execs will find themselves facing a myriad of challenges as they navigate this changing landscape. Join this interactive session with Forrester analysts Vasu and Zhi-Ying and your peers to discuss:

  • How the future of customer service experiences will evolve.
  • How to unlock the true potential of emerging tech (in particular, AI) for your customer service function.
  • Industry best practices.

Vasupradha Srinivasan, Principal Analyst, Forrester
Zhi Ying Barry, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Analyst-Led Roundtable (Registration Required) | DBS Bank’s Billion Dollar AI Dream

This roundtable session will focus on how one of the leading banks in Asia leveraged AI/ML to create hundreds of millions of dollars-worth of economic impact in the space of 3 years. Based on a recent case study about DBS Bank (Singapore), Forrester analyst and author of the case study Tom Mouhsian will share how DBS Bank approaches its AI strategy and captures the results in the form of value for its: shareholders, lines of business (LOBs), customers, and employees. Topics covered will include:

  • AI/ML capabilities development and deployment.
  • Go-to-market approach and customer engagement.
  • How to measure and communicate the value of AI to your stakeholders.

Tom Mouhsian, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Advancing Women’s Leadership: Driving Change and Breaking Barriers

Join us for an engaging roundtable session that aims to accelerate progress in promoting women’s leadership. Explore crucial actions required to foster change and advancement in the workplace. Topics covered will include:

  • Overcoming the obstacles hindering women’s professional growth
  • Cultivating inclusive environments and creating mentorship opportunities
  • Leveraging technology to empower women in leadership to amplify their voices

Alisha Coates, Principal Consultant, Forrester

12:45 pm – 1:45 pm AEST

Executive Leadership Exchange (Invite-Only): Exclusive Lunch featuring Q&A with Judy Weader

In this open Q&A session, engage with Forrester Principal Analyst, Judy Weader. Judy will share the latest insights on how to unify your CX, marketing, and digital strategies, enabling your company to flourish in an era defined by boundless experiences. Come with your questions and be ready to share your perspectives on the topic.

Judy Weader, Principal Analyst, Forrester
John Brand, VP, Advisor, Forrester

1:45 pm – 2:15 pm AEST

Qualtrics: Flight Centre uncovers actionable customer insights with Qualtrics AI

Learn how Flight Centre is driving targeted and impactful CX improvements across its business by unlocking deep customer insights using the latest in AI-powered conversational analytics and natural language processing technologies from Qualtrics. See how Flight Centre is rapidly analysing unstructured feedback at scale – categorising millions of sentences with high levels of precision – in order to understand the satisfaction, emotion, intent, and effort behind customer engagements, and how these capabilities are set to pioneer a new era of CX excellence.

Ashley Taylor, Global Voice of the Customer Program Specialist, Flight Centre Travel Group
Vicky Katsabaris, Director of Experience Management Strategy, Qualtrics

2:15 pm – 2:45 pm AEST

Guest Keynote: Safe And Secure By Design

Join Lance Thornswood, Chief Design Officer at National Australia Bank (NAB), as he delves into how NAB leverages design principles alongside emerging technologies to foster trust by keeping customers safe and secure. Discover innovative strategies and insights that drive customer engagement and satisfaction in an increasingly digital world. Safe, secure, speedy and satisfying: you CAN deliver it all.

Lance Thornswood, Chief Design Officer, National Australia Bank

2:45 pm – 3:15 pm AEST

Better Together: CX + Digital + Marketing

For one “boundless experience” strategy to succeed, three critical disciplines must converge in perfect unison to deliver that singular business strategy. Success will spur growth; failure will portend irrelevance in a rapidly evolving, hyper-competitive market. In this session, you will:

  • Learn how alignment affects performance and revenue growth.
  • Get a clear idea of what successful alignment looks like.
  • Hear from business leaders about what worked (and what did not).

Riccardo Pasto, Principal Analyst, Forrester
Susan Kelso, Chief Experience Officer, Beyond Blue

3:15 pm – 3:45 pm AEST

Coffee Break & Networking

Expertly curated by our analysts, these 30-min roundtables foster vibrant discussions among peers on trending topics. Held during breaks, they offer a prime opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing. Keep an eye on the attendee communications to secure your spot.

Analyst-Led Roundtable (Registration Required) | Meeting the CX Challenges of 2024

This roundtable session will address the push-pull pressures CX leaders will face in 2024 and how to overcome them. Topics covered will include:

  • Forrester’s 2024 predictions on the challenges CX leaders will encounter.
  • How genAI will pull CX into the future.
  • Traditional approaches that threaten to push organizations back in time.

Judy Weader, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Analyst-Led Roundtable (Registration Required) | Gen AI Implications For Government Service Delivery

During this session, you will learn from your peers how they are approaching the use of generative AI (Gen AI) to support future government service delivery. During the conversation we’ll explore:

  • Is Gen AI really useful in a public sector context?
  • Where are public sector agencies thinking of applying Gen AI today?
  • How might Gen AI change the way public sector agencies deliver services in the future?

Sam Higgins, Principal Analyst, Forrester

3:45 pm – 4:15 pm AEST

Ogilvy One: Designing impactful customer relationships

The global boom in MarTech investment has enabled companies of all types to conduct direct customer relationship marketing. Yet, many organisations have struggled to create differentiation in their customer experience necessitating a better approach to building lasting customer relationships.

In this session you’ll hear about:

  • Ogilvy’s Relationship Design methodology, which is led by creativity, powered by data, and supercharged by AI.
  • How injecting creativity into the customer experience drives impact and distinction
  • Case studies from successful brands such as Mecca, F1, AFL, KFC and more.

Jason Davey, Chief Experience Officer, Ogilvy One

4:15 pm – 4:45 pm AEST

Designing Your AI Customer Service Strategy

Customer service is one of the epicenters of AI deployments in an enterprise and has witnessed adoptable use cases to scale and perform with AI. But there is still an unresolved fundamental issue, that in most cases these are just siloed use cases. Unlocking the true potential of AI for your customer service function needs a strategic thinking and design experiments. Join this session to understand the difference between solving for use cases versus deploying an AI-led customer service strategy, and for recommendations on how to execute a cohesive AI-driven customer experience.

Vasupradha Srinivasan, Principal Analyst, Forrester

4:45 pm – 5:15 pm AEST

2024 Customer-Obsessed Enterprise Award Winner

Forresters Customer-Obsessed Enterprise Award celebrates an organization that exemplifies customer obsession by putting the customer at the center of its leadership, strategy, and operations to achieve wins for customers, employees, and the business. This session will share insights from Forresters 2024 APAC award winner.

Dane Anderson, SVP, International Research & Product, Forrester
Dr. Peter Chow, Chief Executive Officer, IHH Healthcare Singapore

5:15 pm – 5:20 pm AEST

Closing Remarks

5:20 pm – 6:20 pm AEST


Early Access May 6

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm AEST

Instigating Change To Build Unshakable Confidence In CX And Business Success

In this fireside chat, Marianne Rehn will share how she forged strong collaboration with key stakeholders, drove customer-focused transformation, and embedded CX skills across EiM schools with a Change Agent program.

Marianne Rehn, Group Director Admissions, Marketing, Communications, Market Insights and Customer Experience, Education in Motion (EiM)
Riccardo Pasto, Principal Analyst, Forrester

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm AEST

How 2020’s Breaking Point Enabled Progressive Inclusion Strategies

The impact of unjust police brutality and the pandemic was a breaking point in 2020 for Humana and the Digital Health & Analytics (DH&A) Organization. With disproportionate health disparities and blatant injustices towards Black Americans, DH&A responded by partnering with Forrester Research to launch an enterprise investigation around systems and practices relative to Black/African American associate and member experience disparities. A conceptual framework was developed to address systemic disparities, new sources of value from an EDI lens, and ongoing training and execution of key practices for EDI to reach full integration into our business norms.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Setting up and finding our “why.”
  • The three-phased project and key elements of real EDI strategy.
  • 2021 results and our path forward.

Stacy Brooks, Associate Director | EDI Digital Strategy, Humana | Digital Health Analytics
Alex Stein, Principal Consultant, Forrester

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm AEST

Brave New World: From Dystopia To Delight In Automated Conversations

Increasing utilization of conversation automation across the B2B revenue engine reflects a new normal of consumer expectation and customer obsession. The language buyers use to find information and talk about their business problems provides critical insights for driving momentum throughout the complex narrative of a modern buying group journey.

This session will provide the following benefits:

  • Learn about the current state of conversation automation in B2B and how marketers are using AI to create and refine conversations across delivery mechanisms.
  • Understand best practices for the design and orchestration of conversational interactions that engage and enable B2B buyers.

Jessie Johnson, Principal Analyst, Forrester

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm AEST

Leading Change: Understanding the Human Experience of Change

Change is constant, yet organizational change efforts routinely fail. Join this session to better understand the human experience of change and how you can lead change at your organization from wherever you sit. You’ll learn why trust is essential to change and how to optimize team engagement during change. This session provides a sample of Forrester’s Leading With Customer Obsession Certification course. By participating, you’ll earn credit toward your Leading With Customer Obsession credential.

Jenna Wohead, Director, Product Management, Forrester
Katy Tynan, Principal Analyst, Forrester

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm AEST

Breakout Sessions

Accelerate Your CX Practice
How To Make CFOs Your Ally

Business leaders today prioritize revenue growth and CX improvement above all else. But the responsibility for these goals is divided: CFOs look after the money, and CX pros look after the customers. Ideally, the strong connection between customers and money — and how the first leads to the second — would make both teams realize the value of collaboration. The reality, however, is that CX pros and CFOs often don’t see eye to eye and don’t act as allies; that’s a problem. Join this session to discover how to create a better alignment and forge stronger collaboration between CX and finance teams.

Tom Mouhsian, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Harmonise The Total Brand Experience
Solve Customer Mysteries With Quantitative And Qualitative Investigation

Companies understand the importance of gleaning insights from customer data, yet today, much of the work of producing insights happens in siloes. Data scientists, design researchers, market researchers, and other insights producers excel at their own respective quantitative and qualitative analyses, yet they rarely collaborate on the fundamental work of customer understanding. Fortunately, some forward-thinking CX leaders are bringing these personas together to paint a clearer picture of the customer experience. Join this keynote to learn how cross-functional insights teams are combining qualitative and quantitative insights to benefit the business, themselves, and their customers.

Brandon Purcell, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester


Tuesday May 10

9:45 am – 10:15 am AEST

Welcome Remarks & Guest Speaker Keynote

CX Isn’t Just About The Customer

During this session, our hosts Riccardo and Michael will set the stage for this year’s programme. We will kick off the event by highlighting Tina Morrell who will share how she is driving customer experience, transforming CX, changing the way of working and driving innovation and creativity at NRMA which has led to amazing results.

Tina Morrell, General Manager for Customer Strategy & Experience Design, NRMA
Riccardo Pasto, Principal Analyst, Forrester
Michael Barnes, VP, Research Director, Forrester

10:20 am – 10:50 am AEST

Keynote Session

Successful CXOs Focus On Outcomes

The road to CX Transformation isn’t likely to be well marked, paved, or lined with cheering spectators. Forrester’s research on high-functioning CX teams has shown that leaders who focus on organizational outcomes, and align their work directly with those outcomes, are far more likely to successfully reach their destination.

Participants in this session will learn:

  • What successful CXOs do differently
  • How to align business outcomes with CX initiatives
  • How to communicate the value of CX from a stakeholder perspective

Su Doyle, Senior Analyst, Forrester

10:55 am – 11:25 am AEST

Keynote Session

The Future Of Customer Service Is “Automatedly” Human

Customer service automation is key but not the answer. Automation done well guides and empowers customers to enjoy great customer service every time. Understanding that automation is meant to augment, not replace, human support is what gets us closer to getting it right every time. Join this session to understand how automation is transforming and collaborating with human support to deliver the right customer service experience.

Vasupradha Srinivasan, Principal Analyst, Forrester

12:00 pm – 12:30 pm AEST

Case Study Sessions

Join this session to hear industry case studies from leading solution providers.

Attend one session:

KPMG: Victoria’s Mental Health Supported Housing Codesign

KPMG was engaged by Homes Victoria and the Victorian Department of Health to respond to a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, focussed on providing 2000 additional homes for adult Victorians with mental illness who require intensive, ongoing treatment, care and support.  KPMG created a genuinely blended team working with people with a lived/living experience of mental illness and service providers to co-design the composition of and design of homes, the range and intensity of supports that will complement these homes, as well as providing advice on how providers can better collaborate to provide integrated support which will inform the design and implementation of Victoria’s future mental health supported housing program

Sharon Cody, Director Customer Advisory, KPMG

Medallia: Businesses think in channels, customers don’t

Customers communicate with a brand whenever and wherever they want. Yet businesses continue to organise around channels.

Only by thinking beyond channels and acknowledging that the customer is in charge can brands truly put the customer first.

In this session, Telstra share how they are making this vision a reality.

Brendon Power, Marketing and Personalisation Technology Lead, Telstra
Aarron Spinley, Regional VP, Thunderhead, Medallia

12:35 pm – 1:05 pm AEST

Breakout Sessions

Accelerate Your CX Practice
Ethical Marketing Helps Brands Differentiate And Build Trust

Brands should act and heed the call of values-based consumers by embracing ethical marketing practices. Done right, it can enhance customer trust and loyalty and bring long-term value to brands  but the factors of success are complex. Join the session to learn about ethical marketing key success factors, best practices, and pitfalls.

Xiaofeng Wang, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Harmonise The Total Brand Experience
Customer Complaints Are Good For CX

Reactive approaches to complaints management are falling short of customer expectations. Join this session to understand how to effectively manage customer complaints to repair a customer relationship that has gone sour, inform CX design, and reshape your corporate culture.

Riccardo Pasto, Principal Analyst, Forrester

2:05 pm – 2:35 pm AEST

Breakout Sessions

Accelerate Your CX Practice
CX And EX Are #BetterTogether: Lessons From Firms That Focused On People And Got Profits

Research shows that firms that link their CX and EX initiatives see better business results than those that focus on them in isolation. How do these firms pull this off? What lessons can others learn from this? How can you reap the same benefits? Tune into this session to hear more.

Amit Bhatia, Senior Analyst, Forrester

Harmonise The Total Brand Experience
Sustainability Is The Future Of Business

Sustainability will rapidly become a top priority for all successful business leaders. But firms are struggling to understand what practices to implement and how aggressively to implement them. Join this session to understand how to leverage sustainability initiatives to build trust and gain a new competitive advantage. 

Michael Barnes, VP, Research Director, Forrester

2:40 pm – 3:10 pm AEST

Case Study Sessions

Join this session to hear industry case studies from leading solution providers.

Attend one session:

Alida: The Power of Co-Creating

From FMCG, to government, from Sporting Teams to Financial Services, everyone has access to one of the most powerful predictors of success; their clients. By thinking outside the box and using customers to not only vet, but also inspire ideas, your business will be able to roll out new products or services with confidence. As an added benefit, those customers will go on to become advocates. Join us to see how others have achieved this.

Miranda Chestney-Law, Director, Customer Success, APAC , ALIDA

Zoom: How Cue Clothing embraces video shopping and boosted sales conversion up to 60%

Cue Clothing has always been a business that prides itself on fashion-forward designs and innovation, and they’re always looking to elevate their customer experience. Join Shane Lenton, CIO of Cue Clothing, and Roger Burgess, CIO Advisor of Zoom to learn how CUE combined the power of data-driven insights and video communication platform, to create a truly immersive retail experience for Cue customers.

Roger Burgess, CIO Advisor, Zoom
Shane Lenton, CIO, Cue

3:45 pm – 4:15 pm AEST

Keynote Panel Session

Thriving In The Era Of Choice

Hybrid engagement is the new reality, both for your customers as well as your employees. Join this panel session to hear from speakers at leading solution providers KPMG and Zoom on how they partner with brands to deliver bold experiences that keep their clients out in front of their competition. This panel discussion will be moderated by Forrester VP, Research Director Michael Barnes.

Michael Barnes, VP, Research Director, Forrester
Roger Burgess, CIO Advisor, Zoom
Carmen Bekker, Partner in Charge, Customer Brand & Marketing Advisory, KPMG

Wednesday May 11

9:30 am – 10:00 am AEST

Keynote Session

How To Design For Emotions

Your customers’ purchase journeys are emotional, not just transactional. The post-purchase experience often disappoints, however. The ability of firms to accurately identify make-or-break moments and align capabilities around those moments will determine how successful they are at acquiring, serving, and retaining customers. This session helps business and technology leaders understand how their firms can identify moments that matter and design experiences to better engage with customers in those moments.

Zhi Ying Barry, Principal Analyst, Forrester

9:30 am – 10:00 am AEST

Keynote Session

Beyond Digital The Future Of Business Is Human-Centered

We’ve entered the second half of the age of the customer and to compete in the next decade your firm must evolve beyond digital to become a truly human-centered business. Ushering in this new business model is the next great strategic challenge – only a handful of firms have realized the need for a new transformation agenda, many more will follow, and some will fail along the way. You must start by enhancing all stakeholder experiences – customers, employees, partners, shareholders – in alignment with the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, sustainability and trust and look beyond efficiency through digital operations to the effectiveness of outcomes. This means being a champion for creativity as the basis of true innovation and help individuals thrive within a future fit technology landscape.

Sam Higgins, Principal Analyst, Forrester

9:30 am – 10:00 am AEST

Guest Keynote Session

Ready For The New CX Post COVID Era: Phygital.

During Covid, consumers radically changed their behavior: shopping more online and more frequently, shifting spending to essentials, trying new brands (especially food and household e commerce categories). The pandemic acted as a catalyst. As a result, ecommerce had a double digit growth aided by the emergence of new technology and social media. At Home Credit, 140 Million customers are trusting us for responsible lending at a global level. We provide retail financial services to 450 000 offline/online stores. This leading position allows us to identify trends that deserve your attention. The online home centric lifestyle will remain but physical retail experience is coming back stronger. Now lockdown has driven a revenge shopping phenomenon, consumers are seeking for retail experience. But the new normal makes the offline world much more tech driven, makes the online world much more experience driven. At Home Credit, 90% of our customers start their consumer journey on our mobile app and the vast majority use it to shop offline. The fusion between online/offline is happening.

CX leaders must build seamless experiences across multiple touchpoints to succeed in this new Phygital world. The success depends on efficient digital transformation including sustainable ESG centric business model.

Frédéric Tardy, Group Chief Customer and Strategy Officer, Home Credit

11:25 am – 11:55 am AEST

Case Study Session

Join this session to hear industry case studies from leading solution providers.

Forsta: Digging for gold in the mountain of data: Forsta Case Study with GemSeek

Over 80% of your customers don’t respond to traditional surveys. Yet when the right customer outreach strategies are used, customers are enthusiastic to talk about brands they love. How can CX leaders predict how their customers feel and take proactive steps to improve customer satisfaction, increase loyalty and ultimately drive ROI? Join Forsta and GemSeek to learn how data and smart algorithms can be used to surface human-centered insights for exceptional experiences.

Heath Adams, Managing Director, APAC, Forsta
Morgan Evans, Managing Director, GemSeek

Analyst Coverage Areas

Forrester analysts with coverage spanning across several disciplines will be onsite at the event.