Sam Higgins

Principal Analyst

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Sometimes Less Is More For Cloud-Powered Innovation: How Utilities And Telcos Are Rationalizing Their Clouds

Sam Higgins July 18, 2024
Our latest report highlights how utilities and telcos, although relatively late to public cloud, are now eagerly pursuing its potential.

Australia And New Zealand: Navigating Business And Technology Priorities For 2024

Sam Higgins July 14, 2024
Australian and New Zealand business and technology professionals have vastly different priorities as their organizations strive for a return to sustainable growth.

The Public Sector Wants GenAI But Must Overcome Its Hesitancy

Sam Higgins June 25, 2024
Generative AI is revolutionizing the private sector, and its leaders are determined to implement this emerging technology at scale and without delay. But how does the public sector view it and what hurdles does genAI face in that realm?

AI For The People: Improving Governance And Adoption Are Key For Public Sector AI Efforts

Sam Higgins June 6, 2024
Like the changes wrought by open data and third-party apps in the 2010s, AI will revolutionize the internal workings of the public sector and how it engages with its constituents in the next five to 10 years.

Akamai’s Cloud Offerings Need Strategic Partnerships With SUSE And Cloudera

Biswajeet Mahapatra March 21, 2024
Akamai’s latest cloud offerings are designed to be platform-agnostic, cost-efficient, low-latency, and user-friendly. But to truly meet these demands, Akamai needs to build partnerships with firms that complement its tech. Find out why.

HPE + Juniper Networks Creates A Cisco Doppelganger

Andre Kindness January 11, 2024
What does the HPE acquisition of Juniper Networks mean for technology leaders and the market overall? Find out in this detailed analysis of the deal.

Get A Head Start On The “Easier Said Than Done” Elements In The 2023–2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy

Jinan Budge November 28, 2023
Find which Forrester research can help navigate, manage, and prepare for the newly announced Australian Cyber Security Strategy.

Prévisions 2024 : le secteur public mondial s’attaque à des changements politiques et technologiques profonds

Sam Higgins 22 Novembre 2023
La gestion des défis imminents à l'intérieur du pays et à l'étranger nécessitera une action audacieuse et continue de la part des dirigeants gouvernementaux.

Predictions 2024: The Global Public Sector Addresses Seismic Political And Technology Changes

Sam Higgins November 9, 2023
Managing imminent challenges at home and abroad will require continued bold action from government leaders.

Predictions 2024: With The Right Preparation, Your Organization Can Win Trust While Others Lose It

Stephanie Balaouras October 31, 2023
A focus on fundamentals such as empathy, dependability, and accountability will equip companies to weather a tumultuous year ahead.

Get Powered And Empowered For Technology-Driven Growth At T&I APAC In Sydney

Sam Higgins October 4, 2023
Year on year, Forrester’s annual Priorities Survey shows that growth is the number one priority for CEOs and most C-suite executives. And today, technology is a powerful driver of growth — if the organization fully harnesses its technology assets and operations. Earlier this year, we found that CIOs and the technology organization play a critical […]

Forrester’s 2023 Enterprise Architecture Awards Winner And Finalists For APAC

Sam Higgins September 20, 2023
Learn how our APAC Enterprise Architecture Award winner and finalists use outcome-driven enterprise architecture for business success.

Counting Down To Forrester’s Technology & Innovation APAC Event For 2023

Sam Higgins September 11, 2023
Technology Alignment: The Key To Powering Customer-Obsessed Growth You’ve likely suspected it and maybe have even said it out loud: Aligning technology with customer objectives can ignite significant growth. The data backs this up decisively. Forrester’s most recent study of business and technology leaders shows that companies with high alignment between technology and customer-facing roles […]

Navigate Cloud Migration And Modernization In Asia Pacific

Guannan Lu March 23, 2023
Firms need help dealing with challenges related to the migration, modernization, and management of workloads across hybrid cloud environments; lacking the relevant skills and expertise in house, they turn to professional services to help them realize cloud benefits faster. Sam and I recently published The State Of Cloud Migration And Modernization Services In Asia Pacific, […]

Announcing The Forrester Wave™ Evaluations For Cloud Migration And Managed Service Partners In Asia Pacific And China

Guannan Lu January 16, 2023
Leading firms use a mix of service providers to build their future fit strategies. Forrester data shows that in 2021, 46% of APAC infrastructure decision-makers whose organizations are adopting cloud said they want to use managed services from cloud service providers. Firms in the region are increasingly turning to partners that can help orchestrate the end-to-end journey to […]

The DoD Announces The Winners For Its $9B JWCC Contract

Tracy Woo December 9, 2022
This week, the US Department of Defense put an end to the year-long suspense by announcing the winners for its Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability contract. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure were the big winners of the $9 billion contract.

Predictions 2023: Public Sector Hesitancy Hinders Crisis Preparedness

Sam Higgins November 9, 2022
As governments gradually return to pre-pandemic ways of operating, they must gird themselves for an uncertain future.

Australians’ Laid-Back Reputation Hides The Truth About Our Ability To Trust

Jinan Budge October 30, 2022
People are hardwired to trust other people and, by extension, the organizations they engage with. As an organization, your success or failure at earning and keeping trust ultimately determines not only the fate of your relationship with customers, employees, and partners but the future prospects of the organization itself. But few business, political, or technical […]

Meet Two Schrödinger’s Cats, Web3 And The Metaverse, At Technology & Innovation APAC In Sydney

Leslie Joseph October 11, 2022
This Technology & Innovation APAC, come listen to Sam Higgins and I talk about two Schrödinger’s cats in today’s tech ecosystem. First up: Web3. Some believe that Web3 will change the World Wide Web as we know it by giving users more control over their data and identities, ushering in better incentive structures for creators […]

Announcing The Finalists For The Enterprise Architecture Award In Asia Pacific

Frederic Giron September 22, 2022
Enterprise architecture (EA) is a strategic capability for many Forrester clients. It is essential that EA in all its permutations be results oriented, pragmatic, and practical to remain relevant. In Forrester’s Enterprise Architecture Award, we look for stories of EA excellence resulting in tangible business and customer results. The Forrester Outcome-Driven Architecture Model rests on a […]
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