B2B Summit

B2B Marketing & Sales

October 7 – 9, 2024  |  London & Digital

Bold Starts

Oct 7
  • 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm BST Forrester Women's Leadership Program
  • 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm BST Skill-Building Workshops
  • 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm BST Welcome Reception


Oct 8
  • 9:30 am – 10:00 am BST Welcome & Opening Remarks
  • 10:00 am – 10:30 am BST Keynote Session
  • 10:30 am – 11:00 am BST Guest Keynote
  • 11:00 am – 11:45 pm BST Marketplace Break & Networking
  • 11:45 pm – 12:15 pm BST Breakout Sessions
  • 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm BST Case Studies
  • 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm BST Lunch
  • 12:45 pm – 2:15 pm BST Executive Leadership Exchange Lunch
  • 1:45 pm – 2:15 pm BST Breakout Sessions
  • 2:20 pm – 2:50 pm BST Case Studies
  • 2:50 pm – 3:20 pm BST Marketplace Break & Networking
  • 2:50 pm – 3:20 pm BST Analyst-Led Roundtables
  • 3:25 pm – 4:30 pm BST Skill Building Workshops
  • 4:35 pm – 5:05 pm BST Keynote
  • 5:05 pm – 5:35 pm BST Keynote: Return On Integration Honors
  • 5:45 pm – 7:00 pm BST Reception


Oct 9
  • 9:30 am – 10:05 am BST Keynotes
  • 10:10 am – 10:40 am BST Breakout Sessions
  • 10:45 am – 11:15 am BST Case Studies
  • 11:15 am – 11:45 am BST Marketplace Break & Networking
  • 11:15 am – 11:45 am BST Analyst-Led Roundtables
  • 11:50 am – 12:20 pm BST Breakout Sessions
  • 12:25 pm – 12:55 pm BST Breakout: Client Showcases
  • 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm BST Lunch
  • 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm BST Keynote: Programs Of The Year
  • 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm BST Keynote Session
  • 3:00 pm – 3:10 pm BST Closing Remarks

Bold Starts Oct 7

2:00 pm – 5:00 pm BST

Forrester Women's Leadership Program (In-Person Only)

Join us as we focus on how to help women leaders in your organization break down barriers and overcome challenges. Learn from your peers on advancement strategies for women leaders and participate in a conversation about how to develop meaningful relationships with women leaders in the B2B marketing and sales industry. All are welcome to join!

2:00 pm – 5:00 pm BST

Skill-Building Workshops (In-Person Only)

Join Forrester analysts to delve into the most relevant topics of today. Space is limited, please pre-register by adding this session to your Forrester Events App (launch date to be announced). And be sure to bring your laptop with you to put alignment and reinvention into action.

    • Accelerate Growth With A Customer-Obsessed Strategy

More information to follow

    • AI Unleashed Hackathon: Creating Magic Without Mistakes And Mayhem (Laptops Required)

GenAI is all the rage, but many have still not experimented with its full set of capabilities: multi-                  modal outputs or use cases such as brainstorming, data generation, or content iteration. In this                  interactive networking session, we’ll split you into teams and challenge you to collaborate using                genAI to:

– Experiment with the tools, prompts and multi-modal outputs to learn how to better engineer                        prompts.

– Explore the strengths and weaknesses of genAI tools for use cases such as data analysis, idea                    generation, summarization, and multi-modal content generation.

– Communicate, pitch, present under tight time pressure.

– Network with your peers and have some fun.

Speakers: Ayse Yedekci-Schelhaas, Nicky Briggs

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm BST

Welcome Reception

Join fellow attendees to meet and mingle before the conference kicks off.

Tuesday Oct 8

9:30 am – 10:00 am BST

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Paul Ferron, VP, Research Director, Forrester
George Colony, CEO, Forrester

10:00 am – 10:30 am BST

Keynote: Beyond The Breaking Point: It’s Time For A Revenue Transformation

B2B teams remain under pressure to increase revenue and achieve growth. But common growth formulas fall short without greater customer centricity and self-disruption. Customers can no longer be an afterthought to revenue strategy. During this keynote session, you will hear:

  • Revenue processes that no longer work today.
  • Why there is a need to focus on customer value before commercial value.
  • How to transform your mindset, practices, and culture — with results.

Amy Hawthorne, Principal Analyst, Forrester

10:30 am – 11:00 am BST

Guest Keynote

To be announced

11:00 am – 11:45 pm BST

Marketplace Break & Networking

Marketplace breaks are your chance to connect with sponsors and catch up with colleagues on the show floor.

11:45 pm – 12:15 pm BST

Breakout Sessions

Strategy: Inject Creativity And Innovation To Catalyze Growth
Accelerate Growth With A Customer-Obsessed Strategy

B2B revenue leaders know that they must focus on customer obsession to win the competition for growth, yet Forrester research confirms that most companies still take an inside-out and disconnected approach to strategy development across product, marketing, and sales. In this session, we will:

  • Reveal a model for co-creating an actionable customer-obsessed growth strategy.
  • Explore best practices for establishing this new discipline within your organization.
  • Highlight key considerations for adoption and challenges to overcome.

Christina Schmitt, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Leadership: Embed Individual And Team Ingenuity To Unleash Go-To-Market Potential
Harness Mental Models To Create Strategic Alignment

The best strategies fail if they don’t address one of the most important drivers of behavioral change: mental models. Mental models determine what we believe will occur and create expectations, predictions, and decisions — for customers and for employees. Harness mental models to create strategic alignment to drive customer obsession.

Joana de Quintanilha, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Technology: Optimize Go-To-Market Performance By Harnessing Human And Machine Ingenuity
The Future of B2B Buyer Interaction

Depending on your perspective, the recent advances in generative AI are either massively overhyped, truly transformative, or, as is usually the case, somewhere between the two. As AI voice, video, and agent capabilities advance, what are the implications for B2B interaction between buyers and sellers? In this session, we explore:

  • The rapidly changing AI capabilities that can impact B2B engagement (for good and bad)
  • The implications of these changes for sales and marketing.
  • How both functions should evaluate and implement such new capabilities for buyer and organizational value.

Anthony McPartlin, Principal Analyst, Forrester
Amy Hawthorne, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Process: Transform Processes And Workflows To Enable Buyer And Company Value
How Sales And Marketing Can Leverage Buying Groups To Supercharge Deals

The power of buying groups doesn’t end when deals are qualified for sales. In this session, we’ll bridge the gap between the application of buying groups for marketing and sales:

  • How marketers and sellers see buying groups differently
  • What it means to see the full picture of a buying group in a deal cycle
  • How sales and marketing can work together to support buying groups in pipeline deals”

Seth Marrs, Principal Analyst, Forrester

12:15 pm – 12:45 pm BST

Case Studies

Join case study sessions to hear real-world stories, solutions, and insights leveraging the best in today’s technologies and services.

More information to come.

12:45 pm – 1:45 pm BST

Lunch & Marketplace Break

Marketplace breaks are your chance to connect with sponsors and catch up with colleagues on the show floor.

1:45 pm – 2:15 pm BST

Breakout Sessions

Strategy: Inject Creativity And Innovation To Catalyze Growth
The B2B Marketing Innovation Roadmap

Ingenuity and innovation aren’t lights that you can turn on or off at will, and a lot of innovation initiatives fail. To maximize chances of developing a sustained capacity for innovation and evolve from current state to a desirable future state, B2B marketing executives must develop and codify innovation into their team, their culture, and their practices. In this session, we will:

  • Provide a way to understand your current innovation state against six core areas
  • Provide a roadmap and action plan to address key areas for improvement
  • Give you a method to help you prioritize which innovation areas to focus on

John Arnold, Principal Analyst, Forrester
Nicky Briggs, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Leadership: Embed Individual And Team Ingenuity To Unleash Go-To-Market Potential
Optimizing Sales Culture: How High-Performing Teams Get It Right
Amid dramatic changes in how B2B organizations manage people, attracting and keeping top sellers is harder than ever. Sales leaders and HR leaders are increasingly aligning on sales cultures that adapt to ever-changing environments. In this session, you will learn:
  • How to link culture and performance.
  • How sales winners deliver stronger output when engaged and motivated.
  • Agile cultural strategies to stay ahead of the curve — and the competition.

Paul Ferron, VP, Research Director, Forrester

Technology: Optimize Go-To-Market Performance By Harnessing Human And Machine Ingenuity
Mastering GenAI: AI Will Transform Operations Roles & Capabilities

B2B organizations are looking to operators across revenue, sales, and marketing operations to enable generative AI across the business. But how will such technologies and the requirements around deploying them change the prioritization, profile, and mix of operations resources and competencies? In this session, you will learn:

  • The key underlying technologies and capabilities to enable generative AI in sales and marketing.
  • The roles that leading B2B adopters of genAI are adding to their operations teams.
  • How to assess your current AI capabilities to help guide a development plan for your ops team.

Seth Marrs, Principal Analyst, Forrester
Anthony McPartlin, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Process: Transform Processes And Workflows To Enable Buyer And Company Value
Your MQL Addiction Costs You Millions: Embracing the Business Value Of Buying Groups

Saying goodbye to MQLs is more than a catchy phrase describing a change of focus in your revenue process. Moving to buying groups and opportunities delivers significant impact to revenue growth and process efficiency. In this session, you’ll learn how this transformation:

  • Improves conversion rates across the revenue process, driving efficiency of marketing and sales efforts.
  • Delivers new, previously overlooked, or hidden opportunities to sales.
  • Drives growth without requiring the corresponding budget increase.

Simon Daniels, Principal Analyst, Forrester

2:20 pm – 2:50 pm BST

Case Studies

Join case study sessions to hear real-world stories, solutions, and insights leveraging the best in today’s technologies and services.

More information to come.

2:50 pm – 3:20 pm BST

Marketplace Break & Networking

Marketplace breaks are your chance to connect with sponsors and catch up with colleagues on the show floor.

2:50 pm – 3:20 pm BST

Analyst-led Roundtables

Spend some time in these small, interactive group roundtable discussions focused on key marketing and sales topics.

Topics to be announced.

3:25 pm – 4:30 pm BST

Skill-Building Workshops (In-Person Only)

Space is limited for these interactive workshops. Please register by adding your chosen session to your calendar in the Forrester Events App.

For these sessions, plan to bring your laptop and put alignment and reinvention in action.

Assess Your Go-To-Market Strategy Maturity

In this interactive lab, attendees will evaluate their GTM maturity using the Forrester GTM Maturity Assessment. Attendees will gain an action plan and:

• An understanding of what should be evaluated across the different GTM strategy levels.

• An approach for determining their organization’s current maturity level.

• Completed assessment results and recommendations for next steps.

Paul Ferron, VP, Research Director, Forrester

Love The Problem Not The Solution: How To Use Mental Models To Solve Your Customers’ Problems

Understanding people and what they’re trying to achieve is a key part of a solid design process. Mental models and thinking styles broaden our perspective by looking at the bigger question to inform the smaller, more tactical questions and design challenges. In this session, you’ll learn how to:

•Use mental models to understand how people reason and feel, as well as the kind of attitudes and beliefs they bring to the table.

•Spend more time in the “problem space” to better understand what customers are trying to achieve — i.e., the intents and motivations behind their actions.

•Create shared mental models to drive creativity and problem-solving.

•Know when to reinforce, repurpose, and reinvent mental models to align to your customers’ world.

Joana de Quintanilha, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Event ROI Is A Pipe Dream. Use The Forrester B2B Event Measurement Tool To Showcase Event Value.

Event budgets are flat or down and demonstrating event ROI is the #1 priority for event marketers over the coming 12 months. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn about the top challenges impacting event measurement, a 4-step process to introduce better measurement practices, and go through hands-on training using the new Forrester Event Measurement tool to better showcase the value of your events.

What you will learn:

  • The key trends and challenges impacting on effective event measurement
  • A 4-step best practice approach to event measurement
  • Hands on training with the Forrester Event Measurement Tool to help you better showcase event value

Conrad Mills, Principal Analyst, Forrester

AI Unleashed Mini Hackathon: Creating Magic Without Mistakes And Mayhem (Laptops Required)

If you couldn’t make Monday’s GenAI Hackathon workshop, why not join this compact version of the session instead? GenAI is all the rage, but many have still not experimented with its full set of capabilities: multi-modal outputs or use cases such as brainstorming, data generation, or content iteration. In this session, we’ll split you into teams and challenge you to collaborate using genAI to:

  • Experiment with the tools, prompts and multi-modal outputs to learn how to better engineer prompts.
  • Explore the strengths and weaknesses of genAI tools for use cases such as data analysis, idea generation, summarization, and multi-modal content generation.
  • Communicate, pitch, present under tight time pressure.
  • Network with your peers and have some fun.

Nicky Briggs, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester

4:35 pm – 5:05 pm BST

Keynote: Establish A Change-Confident Culture For Sustained Value Creation

Change is a skill — not a project. High-performing organizations embrace change and use it as a competitive advantage. Leaders must adjust their approach toward change management to predict and address change resistance and change fatigue.

Manuel Geitz, Principal Analyst, Forrester

5:05 pm – 5:35 pm BST

Keynote: Return on Integration Award Winner

The Forrester B2B Return On Integration Honors 2024 showcases organizations that have achieved outstanding sales, marketing and/or product alignment, and as a result have improved company performance and driven growth.


5:35 pm – 5:45 pm BST

Closing Remarks

Paul Ferron, VP, Research Director, Forrester

5:45 pm – 7:00 pm BST

Evening Reception

Join us for a reception full of networking, fun, food, and refreshments.

Wednesday Oct 9

9:35 am – 10:05 am BST

Keynote: Ingenuity Catalyzes A Growth Mindset

Firms that embrace creative ingenuity as a way of thinking and work to supercharge their individual and collective problem-solving can develop potent products, services, processes, and experiences and ultimately drive growth. In this session, we’ll explore:

  • Some of the different ways that companies grow
  • How to think outside the box in these different scenarios
  • Real-world examples of companies that used ingenuity to grow.

Nicky Briggs, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester

10:10 am – 10:40 am BST

Breakout Sessions

Strategy: Inject Creativity And Innovation To Catalyze Growth
Align Your Ecosystem Vision To Grow In Today’s Dynamic Market

A key challenge leaders face is building customer- and partner-obsessed organizations that drive alignment between strategy, customer needs, and joint business outcomes. As organizations increasingly rely on partners to deliver customer value, they must change and refocus their strategies towards the ecosystem-led motions necessary to achieve their goals. In this session you will learn:

  • Evolving customer needs and partnership opportunities
  • Key dynamic growth considerations.
  • The foundation for strong alignment strategies.

Maria Chien, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Leadership: Embed Individual And Team Ingenuity To Unleash Go-To-Market Potential
The Changing Requirements For Frontline Marketing Leaders

Looking for an opportunity? Be a frontline marketing leader driving lifecycle revenue results. Leadership, digital, and program management skills required. Must be a strategic thinker with cross-functional poise and experience driving engagement and lifecycle revenue. In this session, you will:

  • Understand the case for united frontline marketing teams.
  • Discover the connection between frontline marketing and lifecycle revenue.
  • Assess your readiness to lead frontline marketing and drive lifecycle revenue results.

John Arnold, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Technology: Optimize Go-To-Market Performance By Harnessing Human And Machine Ingenuity
Optimize Your Tech Stack For Customer Outcomes

Fully aligned customer-facing functions report higher growth and profitability. But integrating the underlying tech stacks is a major hurdle. Forward-looking organizations who harmonize their tech ecosystems position themselves to better understand and respond to customer needs today – and adapt to future AI-driven experiences. You’ll learn:

  • Core tenets of a customer-obsessed tech ecosystem
  • Techniques to audit your current disparate tech stacks
  • Tips for accelerating tech and business alignment.

Rusty Warner, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Process: Transform Processes And Workflows To Enable Buyer And Company Value
Unifying The Sales And Marketing Multiverse Of Insights To Predict Buyer Engagement

Historically, sales interactions were an unreliable source of information for marketers because of inconsistent seller capture. Automatic interaction capture will allow revenue teams to more effectively predict buyer engagement. This will require organizations to move away from a single source of truth and toward a unified data approach.

  • Show companies how to unify data to generate insights.
  • Learn how to better organize go-to-market data.
  • Understand how to leverage unified insights.

Seth Marrs, Principal Analyst, Forrester

10:45 am – 11:15 am BST

Case Studies

Join case study sessions to hear real-world stories, solutions, and insights leveraging the best in today’s technologies and services.

More information to come.

11:15 am – 11:45 am BST

Marketplace Break & Networking

Marketplace breaks are your chance to connect with sponsors and catch up with colleagues on the show floor.

11:15 am – 11:45 am BST

Analyst-led Roundtables

Spend some time in these small, interactive group roundtable discussions focused on key marketing and sales topics.

Topics to be announced.

11:50 am – 12:20 pm BST

Breakout Sessions

Strategy: Inject Creativity And Innovation To Catalyze Growth
Drive B2B Growth With E-Commerce

Designing, implementing, and running an e-commerce business as a digital route to market offers significant revenue growth potential for B2B companies. However, it is a complex effort that is often characterized by a lack of executive ownership, inflated expectations, and not enough time for planning and implementation before benefits are expected. In this session you will learn:

  • Why supplier-owned B2B ​e-commerce shouldn’t be ignored.​
  • Who should take ownership for the charging rhino​.
  • How to follow a structured process and avoid common pitfalls.

Christina Schmitt, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Leadership: Embed Individual And Team Ingenuity To Unleash Go-To-Market Potential
Ingenuity: How Generation Z Will Get Us Back To The Future

Members of Generation Z are now entering the workforce with new desires and expectations. In this presentation, we uncover how Gen Zers’ specific attitudes and preferences affect their contributions to ideation and innovation.

  • Learn which working environments are valued by Gen Zers and which are not.
  • DIscover the five steps that encourage and sustain creativity and ingenuity.
  • Understand what successful leaders do to motivate and empower Gen Z members.

Bernhard Schaffrik, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Technology: Optimize Go-To-Market Performance By Harnessing Human And Machine Ingenuity
RevTech: Finally A Hive Mind For Go-To-Market Execution?

As tech categories supporting the growth engine continue to consolidate, are B2B organizations finally moving toward integrated revenue stacks that drive seamless workflows and unified insights? In this session, you will learn:

  • The state of revtech consolidation and where it’s going next.
  • Why the focus should be on alignment of tech deployment and governance.
  • How to leverage the opportunity to modernize the revtech backbone with AI.

Simon Daniels, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Process: Transform Processes And Workflows To Enable Buyer And Company Value
Use Generative AI To Enhance Content And The Customer Experience

Siloed experiments stall genAI adoption, but unified vision ignites it. In 2024, savvy B2B organizations will rally cross-functional teams around high impact content use cases to elevate customer experiences. This session will help you:

  •  Apply a genAI adoption framework to expand beyond pilot projects
  • Facilitate cross-functional collaboration and ongoing change management
  • Mature and scale your organization’s genAI usage for content and customer impact

Lisa Gately, Principal Analyst, Forrester

12:25 pm – 12:55 pm BST

Breakout Sessions - Client Showcases

Join us as we showcase clients who demonstrate ingenious strategy leadership. technology, and process in action!

Strategy: Inject Creativity And Innovation To Catalyze Growth
Experian Client Showcase

Enrique Diego, Director, Portfolio Strategy , Experian Software Solutions

Leadership: Embed Individual And Team Ingenuity To Unleash Go-To-Market Potential
Technology: Optimize Go-To-Market Performance By Harnessing Human And Machine Ingenuity
Process: Transform Processes And Workflows To Enable Buyer And Company Value
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm BST

Lunch & Marketplace Break

Marketplace breaks are your chance to connect with sponsors and catch up with colleagues on the show floor.

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm BST

Keynote: Programs of the Year

Driven by Forrester analysts’ conversations with a wide variety of organizations, our Programs Of The Year sessions showcase the programs that our analysts have chosen as best-in-class across marketing and sales disciplines — in the client’s own words.


2:30 pm – 3:00 pm BST

Keynote: Human + AI: Reinventing The B2B Buying Experience

As firms embed AI into marketing, sales, and service experiences, the winners will blend human and AI to create seamless conversational experiences. Building trusted AI is the cornerstone. But as products and processes become intelligent, digital twins become autonomous, and insights become democratized, B2B teams will face a dilemma: How do you market and sell when machines are your customers?

Martin Gill, VP, Research Director, Forrester

3:00 pm – 3:10 pm BST

Closing Remarks

Paul Ferron, VP, Research Director, Forrester

B2B Summit EMEA · October 7 – 9, 2024 · London & Digital

Have a question about an upcoming Forrester event? Contact us at events@forrester.com.