Christina Schmitt

Principal Analyst

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Entfesselung der B2B-Revolution: Das große Potenzial des E-Commerce

Christina Schmitt 4 days ago
Im Zeitalter des B2B-E-Commerce ist Stillstand gleichbedeutend mit Zurückbleiben. CMOs nehmen hier eine zentrale Rolle ein und müssen das Potenzial des E-Commerce in ihrem Unternehmen erschließen und maximieren.

Ditch The Old Playbook: B2B CMOs, It’s Time To Lead The E-Commerce Charge

Christina Schmitt February 26, 2024
In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, where change is the only constant, CMOs find themselves standing at a critical crossroads. The traditional playbook is becoming obsolete, and B2B buyers demand seamless online experiences. The landscape is shifting, and those who fail to adapt are bound to be left behind in the dust of their […]

Unleashing The B2B Revolution: The Bold Power Of E-Commerce

Christina Schmitt February 17, 2024
Drawing from my personal experience and passion for e-commerce, I am excited to share research on the compelling reasons and effective strategies for B2B organizations to harness this route to market that will propel their organizational growth. In parallel, this blog marks the commencement of a six-part series, set to be released over the next […]

B2B CMOs, Elevate Your Partner Ecosystem Marketing Now!

Christina Schmitt November 20, 2023
In the fast-paced realm of B2B marketing, it’s crucial for chief marketing officers to adapt and enhance their marketing strategies. The focus is shifting away from traditional channel marketing, and it’s time to embrace the power of partner marketing for a true marketing transformation. The most popular priority of B2B marketing leaders for the next […]

CMOs And CIOs Are Navigating The Path To Sustainable Marketing Technology

Christina Schmitt September 28, 2023
In a world increasingly focused on environmental sustainability, it’s no surprise that every aspect of business is being scrutinized for its impact on the planet. One aspect that often flies under the radar is marketing technology. The digital landscape we operate in demands ever more energy and resources, making it imperative for businesses to rethink […]

From Data To Dollars: Where CMOs Should Guide Marketing Technology Investment To Increase Customer Obsession

Christina Schmitt July 27, 2023
(cowritten with Research Associate Julia Swerdlow) It’s not new that marketing technology (martech) plays a central role in enabling B2B organizations’ marketing strategies. In fact, more than half of B2B marketing leaders invest over 10% of their total marketing budget in technology, per Forrester’s Marketing Survey, 2023. And investments are expected to grow, with over […]

Leverage The Power Of B2B Brand Strategy For Your Organization’s Growth And Revenue Opportunities

Christina Schmitt May 10, 2023
Your organization’s brand matters — a lot — but marketing often fails to demonstrate how your brand contributes to revenue and growth. Frankly, it’s difficult to measure: Translating awareness, perception, and preference into solid metrics that excite and reassure other areas of the organization about marketing’s activity is challenging. Not surprisingly, non-marketing leaders often underestimate […]

CMOs’ Role In Unveiling The Full Potential Of Revenue Opportunities

Christina Schmitt April 6, 2023
The environment of B2B organizations and B2B marketing is changing rapidly, and it’s essential that companies keep up to stay ahead of the game. One area that needs attention is revenue management, which traditionally focused solely on lead-centric acquisition processes. As customer buying behavior changes, however, B2B organizations and their CMOs must take a more […]

How A Strong Collaboration Between CMO And CIO Accelerates Businesses’ Success

Christina Schmitt September 29, 2022
Technology is not the exclusive core expertise of IT anymore. For many years, technology has had a place in the B2B marketing strategy and represents a big part of marketing’s responsibility. In addition to implementing and running the relevant marketing technology, marketing requires the knowledge to use it effectively to drive the revenue engine, create […]

Productivity And Customer Focus Are Top Of Mind For German Manufacturers And Financial Services And Insurance Providers

Christina Schmitt August 5, 2022
In reviewing the new Forrester Marketing Survey, 2022, where we have asked marketing executives globally about their opinions on marketing strategy, interesting insights have been captured. Looking at the growth strategies and marketing priorities of B2B organisations for 2022, differences in their marketing strategies are clearly displayed, especially when comparing regions or industries. Putting a […]

Un Chemin Vers La Croissance : Messages Clés Et Tendances De L’Année 2022 Pour Les CMO B2B

Christina Schmitt 8 Juin 2022
Les révélations de la Marketing Survey de Forrester pour l’année 2022 donnent de nouvelles clés aux responsables marketing B2B afin de renforcer leur stratégie.

Der Weg zum Wachstum: Wichtige Einblicke und B2B-CMO-Trends 2022

Christina Schmitt 7 Juni 2022
Die Forrester-Marketing-Umfrage 2022 bietet – neben den sechs CMO-Trends – weitere Einblicke in die Chancen und Herausforderungen, die B2B-Marketer angehen müssen, um erfolgreich zu sein.

A Path To Growth: Key Insights And 2022 Trends For B2B CMOs

Christina Schmitt May 11, 2022
Forrester’s Marketing Survey, 2022, revealed insights that should inform B2B marketing strategy and the trends that CMOs should watch.

KPIs Reinvented — Dust Off Antiquated Measurement

Christina Schmitt November 29, 2021
Sourcing KPI don´t support the complexity and measurement of marketing activities or ROI optimization. A new set of KPI is required.