Paul Ferron

VP, Research Director

Forrester Bio

Author Insights


Call For Entries: B2B Summit EMEA Awards

Paul Ferron April 2, 2024
EMEA B2B companies: If you have a cross-functional alignment success story or have achieved exceptional results within a single function, we want to hear from you. Learn more about Forrester’s B2B Summit EMEA Awards.

Looking Ahead To Forrester’s B2B Summit EMEA 2023

Paul Ferron July 12, 2023
Throughout the year, there is an ebb and flow to the things that I look forward to, often triggered by a certain event. For example, once my family has the winter-sport holiday behind us, I look forward to warmer weather and sunshine. The same happens to me when Forrester’s B2B Summit in North America is […]

The Call For Entries For The Forrester B2B Summit EMEA Awards Is Open

Paul Ferron May 23, 2023
With Forrester’s B2B Summit EMEA fast approaching, the call for entries is now open for our coveted B2B Return On Integration Honors and Program Of The Year Awards. If you’ve delivered a B2B sales or marketing initiative that you believe to be best in class in the last 12 months, this is your opportunity to […]

Three Reasons Why Portfolio Marketers Should Attend Forrester’s B2B Summit EMEA

Paul Ferron August 15, 2022
After two long years of virtual, we are getting ready to deliver Forrester’s B2B Summit EMEA in a hybrid format. It will be exciting to join hundreds of customers on October 11–12, 2022, as we uncover endless possibilities to drive measurable impact. Below are the three key reasons and supporting sessions that portfolio marketers should […]

Vos Acheteurs Évoluent, Et Vous Devez Faire De Même

Paul Ferron 1 Juin 2022
Les leaders marketing doivent comprendre les changements et être le relais afinde partager les informations clés avec le reste de l’organisation, s’ils veulent obtenir un avantage concurrentiel et stimuler la croissance.

Ihre Käufer entwickeln sich weiter – und Ihr Unternehmen sollte das auch

Paul Ferron 1 Juni 2022
Marketingexperten müssen verstehen, wie sich ihre Kunden verändern, um sich Wettbewerbsvorteile zu verschaffen und das Wachstum zu fördern.

Your Buyers Are Evolving, And You Should Follow

Paul Ferron May 31, 2022
Marketers need to understand how their buyers are changing and enable their buyer-facing roles with key insights to gain competitive advantage and drive growth.

The War In Ukraine: Four Ways Portfolio Marketers Can Respond

Paul Ferron April 6, 2022
The war in the Ukraine is disrupting companies' go-to-market strategies and Portfolio Marketers need to adapt. This blog provides four things to consider.

Four Steps To Overcome The Audience-centric Transformation Paradox

Paul Ferron April 8, 2021
Even with the best intentions and C-level support, it is difficult to transform a B2B organization from having a product-centric to an audience-centric go-to-market strategy.

Three Ways To Protect Your Customer Base From Competitors

Amy Bills March 10, 2021
Forrester benchmark data shows that retained business accounts for the lion's share of company revenue. How well are you protecting that share?

Four Key Considerations for Portfolio Marketers After Brexit

Paul Ferron November 6, 2019
  • Many companies have founded their go-to-market strategies on a single European market
  • Uncertainty continues to exist today about how and when the U.K. will leave the European market
  • This uncertainty creates an opportunity for portfolio marketing leaders to prepare for a post-Brexit go-to-market strategy

Three Learnings From Leading Sales Knowledge Transfer Programs

Paul Ferron June 4, 2019

Ready, Set, Launch: How Portfolio Marketers Can Avoid Failed Launches By Aligning With Sales

Paul Ferron February 6, 2019
  • Misalignment between portfolio marketers and sales teams leads to unused collateral and failed launches
  • Portfolio marketers are responsible for adoption of their messaging and sales knowledge transfer is a primary mechanism to do so
  • Sales knowledge transfer should not be a one-way street; use the tribal knowledge within sales to create alignment

The Hunter and the Pointer Dog: Why Portfolio Marketing Must Understand Sales Personas

Paul Ferron January 8, 2019
  • Sales personas are as diverse as buyer personas – therefore, portfolio marketers must have a deep understanding of their needs
  • Many B2B organizations have global account managers, solution specialists and sales engineers
  • Treating these three sales roles similarly would not produce the right results for sales or portfolio marketing