Welcome to Forrester’s Tech Leaders Summit 2022!

Forrester provides research-based insights, curated frameworks and tools with hands-on guidance to accelerate growth.

We invite you to learn more about Forrester Decisions, our new portfolio of research services tailored to your most pressing priorities that will help you and your team deliver top-notch results in record time.

Explore resources on Forrester Decisions and more tech insights below.

If you’re ready to break away from digital sameness to win and attract more customers, you’re ready for a different kind of research partner. One who can help you make faster, bolder decisions to deliver on your goals with confidence. One who is with you throughout your entire journey of transformation, and one whose expertise aligns to your priorities.

Service Overview

Forrester Decisions for Technology Executives

Forrester helps technology executives define and execute a future fit strategy that empowers your business to stay ahead of disruption and risk, capitalize on new opportunities, and grow faster than the competition.

Forrester Decisions for Technology Architecture & Delivery

Forrester helps technology architecture and delivery leaders collaborate to advance modernization initiatives with a holistic approach that accelerates delivery improves value streams, and positively impacts critical business outcomes.

Forrester Decisions for Security & Risk

Forrester helps security and risk leaders continuously manage risk within strategic opportunities, protect business growth, and gain customer and employee trust with secure, private experiences.

Become a client

Fill out a form here or drop us an email at marketingapac@forrester.com!

Got questions? Talk to one of our friendly Forrester team members at the event! 

Upcoming event