Product Management Leaders

Deliver Customer-Centric Solutions

Buyers and users connect with products today in new ways, expanding the responsibilities of product managers who must now, more than ever, manage the entire product experience and deliver on a customer-obsessed strategy.

To succeed, product management leaders must track the pulse of buyers, customers, and users so they can quickly respond to customer signals with new offerings, product enhancements, revised pricing, and continued innovation and differentiation.

Challenges You Face

Your aim is to focus product investments on the highest-value customer needs that fuel innovation, growth, and profitability. It’s an ongoing effort to build, develop, and lead a world-class product management organization. Forrester can help you overcome the day-to-day challenges that you must manage along the way, including:

  • Staying ahead of the competition with continuous innovation.
  • Developing a consistent approach to understanding customers and gathering feedback.
  • Implementing repeatable processes for developing and managing products.
  • Aligning on clear roles and responsibilities with sales and marketing during the commercialization and product lifecycle process.
  • Effectively pricing and packaging new products, especially when delivery models change to digital.

How Forrester Helps You Drive Business Results

Forrester empowers product management leaders to develop and execute a product vision and strategy that creates new value for customers and sparks consistent product-led business growth.

Bold Solutions Fit For You

Forrester helps product management leaders and their teams uncover innovation opportunities that address unmet customer needs to create standout product experiences and spark consistent growth across the portfolio.

Create Standout Product Experiences

Forrester Decisions for Product Management helps leaders shorten the distance between bold vision and superior impact.


OK, AI, Buy Me Some Enterprise Software

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Embrace Reinvention To Drive Growth: Five Key Takeaways From Forrester’s B2B Summit North America 2024

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Last month’s event set the stage for navigating the frenetic pace of change in B2B and capitalizing on growth opportunities. Read our top five takeaways.

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Becoming A “Product Detective” — The Practice And Promise Of Product Analytics

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