
Brian Higgins, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Verizon

Show Notes:

As Verizon consumer group’s first-ever Chief Customer Experience Officer, Brian Higgins accomplished a lot in just over a year. He joins the CX Cast to discuss his strategy to deliver best-in-class experiences across all consumer touch points while more efficiently serving customers. We discuss: 

  • What is your role at Verizon? What falls within your remit? 
  • What’s the overall strategy for improving CX at Verizon? 
  • As we continue in this AI revolution, how are you incorporating AI into your strategy and CX management? 
  • How do you keep the human element in mind when it comes to incorporating AI? 
  • Where do you see opportunities to differentiate in CX in the future? Where’s Verizon CX headed in 2-3 years?