Media Citation Policy

Intellectual Property And Usage Guidelines For Independent Media

All information provided by Forrester Research, Inc. (“Forrester”), in any form, (“Information”), is proprietary information that belongs to Forrester and is protected by US and international copyright law and conventions. Except as set forth herein, direct or indirect reproduction of the Information, in whole or in part, by any means, is prohibited without the express written consent of Forrester.

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  • Forrester Data: Consumer Technographics® North American Healthcare And Government Survey, Q2 2017 (US)
  • Forrester Research, Forrester Analytics, Forrester

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The Forrester Copyright Notice

“Copyright © 2021, Forrester Research, Inc.”

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Except as approved by Forrester’s Citations department, Forrester prohibits any reference to Forrester or its Information in all types of advertising and sales collateral, in all types of media, including Web pages designed to sell products and/or services. Forrester does not perform contract research or write white papers.

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Forrester shall not be liable for any damages incurred by or arising as a result of reliance upon Forrester’s Information. Forrester warrants that the information is based on compilation and analysis of the best sources available to Forrester at any given time, and that any opinions reflect Forrester judgment at the time and are subject to change. The foregoing warranty is in lieu of all warranties, express, or implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and warranties as to accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of information.