Joe Stanhope, Vice President and Principal Analyst, Rusty Warner, Principal Analyst, and Lori Wizdo, Vice President and Principal Analyst
Show Notes:
Martech, or marketing technology, is a critical part of today’s marketing organization. But just because it’s critical doesn’t make it easy. As technology continues to develop at a rapid clip, it’s easy for B2B and B2C marketers to get distracted by a shiny-new-something and forget about building a thoughtful martech stack.
In this week’s episode, Analysts Joe Stanhope, Lori Wizdo, and Rusty Warner answer marketers’ technology questions. Their main message: It’s all about the use case. Marketers underrate tech that helps them do the basics better (e.g., resource management). Meanwhile, you should walk (not run) toward emerging tech such as artificial intelligence. AI isn’t a product; it’s something that can be layered into existing tools to make them better.
While it’s nice to imagine that each new promising technology will be a panacea for the many ills marketers face, success with tech requires a clear understanding of how it will help you better understand and serve your customers. Discover how to prepare your organization to take full advantage of emerging marketing technology.