I’ll be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos next week — look for posts here as I gather up blasts of insight from the gathering.

I’m running a session on January 29th at Davos that will analyze how social computing will transform corporations and markets. Discussion leaders will be: Michael Arrington, TechCrunch, Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia, Robert Scoble of Fast Company TV, Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, Matt Cohler of Benchmark Capital (late of Facebook), and others.

We’re going to be working to answer the questions listed below.

If you have any special insight on these questions, comment back to this post. During the session, I will quote you with attribution, when appropriate. If you’ve got any real-world examples, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for contributing.

Here are the questions:

– How can enterprises (companies with $1B in revenue or greater) use social to gain an advantage?
– What are the greatest risks of social to an enterprise? How can these risks be mitigated?
– How can social be used to improve leadership and decision making in the organization?
– How can social be used to drive product development and innovation?
– How can social be used to improve investor relations?
– How can social be used to improve recruitment and human resources management?
– How can social be used to improve customer/client relations?
– For the average large company, what should its social profile look like by the end of 2009? End of 2010? End of 2011?
– How can you rally top management to support social? How should the social effort be organized internally? Who should own it? Who should lead it?
