Agile, social media, and requirements
Speaking of social media, one of the two research documents now in the editing queue looks at using social media as a source of product requirements. Using Forrester’s POST* methodology as a starting point, how can product managers harness the enormous amount of potentially useful information transmitted in the clear through blogs, forums, Wikis, and similar technologies?
The other document in editing is the "Agile company" piece, covering the results of the survey and interviews we conducted to understand how Agile development changes technology companies. To foreshadow the results, I had to divide Agile adoption into two stages. To date, Agile aficianados have focused on the first, Agile within the development team. Clearly, for the story of Agile adoption, that’s only Chapter One.
* In this approach, the steps for analyzing social media involve people, objectives, strategy, and technology (POST).
[Cross-posted at The Heretech.]